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Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday Yes That Day!

It's Friday! Thank God. Well it's been a long week and I'm ready to hit the door right at 4:59p. This week had been going good thus far and this weekend there is many things to do. I might suggest that you attend Luminaria at Hemisphair park. I have never been but I do appreciate lighting and crafty artwork. The weather should be wonderful through the weekend but you never know with the meteorologist here on the local news channel. I will possibly not blog over the weekend unless something happens out of the ordinary or maybe I will share my weekend travels and adventure with you. I never thought I had an artsy side to me. It's amzing considering I was once a bad boy lol.  Till then have a good weekend and remember to make every minute memorable and if you don't.... _________.  Use your imagination.

Luminaria 2011 is a child of Hemisfair ‘68, a glimpse of light and how it intersects and interacts with art in San Antonio.  Luminaria 2011 seeks to reignite that moment in time, by reimagining HemisFair as a canvas for enlightened, innovative, and interactive contemporary artwork from all artistic disciplines. It honors the past as it celebrates the future.  It weaves its way through the light, air, earth, wind, and water, illuminating the hidden secrets of a park in the heart of a modern  city.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

The internet fooled you too!

We were all duped! I got a message from a friend telling me Adam Sandler died today. I actually felt bad for about 0 seconds. Not really but the age of getting information faster than ever via internet we find an idiot with nothing better to do besides making up a rumor that makes no difference to most of us. However we fell for it. It was a lie and everything is back to normal. Jokingly I've been feeling like the internet was the real antichrist. I've been so intertwined with browsing the net and I spend way too much time on the internet. What ever happened to the days when everything was normal? Now we are dependant on some type of electronic device whether it be a cell phone tv laptop etc. I certainly don't want to be a caveman but I can do without all of the above. What ever happened to playing marbles or pencil fight. Okay maybe not slap yourself right now if you imagined yourself for a brief second playing marbles or pencil fighting. I shouldnt complain maybe after visiting a third world country I would appreciate the luxuries we have. I have so many topics but I can't write everything in one night how else would you stay interested? Well tomorrow is Friday and its irony but tonight I will set the alarm clock to wake me up in the morning then I will use my electric shaver and then I will use my GPS system when I get lost. Hypocrisy yes but hey what else am I to do. The last time I followed the stars and the signs I ended up 45 miles from where I was suppose to be. All I know is when you don't rely on modern technology you may end up not staying up to date with what is really going on......even if its a lie. Last words of wisdom...  Don't believe 90 percent of what you hear and half of what you see.....

The Events that make the world go around

Morning. Another beautiful cool morning with just a touch of traffic. Speaking of traffic the people here in San Antonio can barely drive and I always seem to encounter the road rager from hell. Pause. Standing on the forefront yesterday off the coast of California 1million fish washed up in the marina. Just imagine the smell of sardines that will wake you up. The explanation for this is oxygen deprivation.What!! There is a better reason for this but I won't go all apocolyptic on you. Seems everyday something happens that just makes you wonder. The other bologna that is happening is this whole 2012 world ending theory. I got some news for you. IT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! The calender may end but the world isn't. Just put down the spiked arsenic fruit punch and step away from the cliff. I'm certain getting closer to that day it will be a frenzy so stock up on survival goods..you won't use them so save your receipt. To round off this morning blog and to ease your mind off 2012 not that you need to worry about next week or anything I left you with something to wonder.....or maybe not.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

One day till Friday

Three!!! This is the sound in the background just ambience to my ears. The Spurs are playing the Pistons so what does that mean absolutely nothing except win number 52. I wouldn't waste to much time pondering this but I don't think the Spurs don't have enough size to go all the way. I won't go into depth about this just an observation. Anyways we hear and see so much in a course of a day and you pick and choose what is needed and the rest is trivial meaningless pick another word I can keep going. The news media relays the daily news and most of it I can even relate to with the exception nothing. Spring break is around the corner and hopefully the skies are blue and the sun shines bright most people are expecting fun fun fun. Most will spend time with family and friends. I've lived in a vicious cycle and have not really done much during any holidays but since getting older I appreciate these kind of moments. Fiesta is in April and I'm ready to enjoy the food although not the 10 pound weight gain. It amazes me when I see someone eating a triple cheese burger and drinking a slim fast shake. I got the blank look too. These are the words for the night so sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite and depending where you live it may be rats. :)
I give [this] to you not that you may remember time, but that you might forget it now and then for a moment and not spend all your breath trying to conquer it.

Your Daily Life: Following the wrong people

Your Daily Life: Following the wrong people: "The day started off early. What a boring start. Well last night I missed my entry so here we go. For the first time in a while I actually sa..."

Following the wrong people

The day started off early. What a boring start. Well last night I missed my entry so here we go. For the first time in a while I actually sat and watched TV and boy o boy let me tell you I didn't know whether to break my TV or endure this so called reality TV shows that play on every other channel. What ever happened to true and creative TV programming? I think I got caught up in the moment of sensationlism or any other lism you can think of. Boring to say the least but when you got guys with New York accents with bad haircuts what more do you need. I think maybe we have been paying attention and idolizing to many of the wrong ideals. Anyways today seems to be normal and life couldnt be any worse. Last word of the day be true to yourself or be fake at least you are being who you really want to be.....

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How Gas Prices Changed Me!

What the hell is happening? Just last week gas prices at the pump were $ 2.97 and the price has skyrocketed to $3.39. I went yesterday to fill up and I paid $39.94 and the strangest part is I drive a flippin Mazda 3! Trust me the thoughts of buying an SUV have waved bye bye and I'm waving bye too. Experts have metioned and I quote gas prices will hit $4 dollars by the summer time. For some there goes the family trip and for others it may be time to get in a fitness program because bike riding in the summer is extreme so hopefully you don't work 25 miles from home. Yikes!! Sounding off on this but doesn't it seem whenever there is conflict in the Middle East the price of gas just goes through the roof? Seems to be just another excuse for the large oil companies to suck you dry. Anyways remember to keep it below 60 mph and not to ride your bike on the freeway with traffic.

The NBA crying men and the seaon as we know it

What! Crying men. Can it be. This is what is now taking place in the NBA. Everyone is probably asking themselves except maybe Richard Simmons has this game and the men who play it become fragile? What happened to just suck it up and play on. Seems the national media has exposed or overexposed this crying that is now taking place. I remember when Michael Jordan was getting pounded by the Detroit Bad Boys. He always sucked it up and played on. The game of basketball had really changed and its become disturbing to say the least. I'm looking forward to the NBA playoffs were the crybabies go home. Stay tuned.

The World That We Know

Hello welcome to 2011 and this is your life. Today is a start to a new chapter a new frontier and hopefully some creative writing along with the world nuisances in life amongst other trivial and uneventful information. More to come so stay tuned this will be a spontanoues saga. JMKAZE....